Monday, March 28, 2016

Edition 92 Published...Take a look is a website that demonstrates how multiple accounts of one news event may result in what appears to be descriptions of different events. These differences may be accidental, on purpose, or simply a demonstration of how each eyewitness may see one event differently
There are four goals of this Website:
  1. To raise reader awareness that there is more than one view of a news event
  2. To demonstrate that there are inconsistencies reporting one event when multiple sources are referenced
  3. To help the reader become open to contrasting opinions of an event
  4. To provide the reader with the opportunity to determine whether the 1st reporting, the 2nd reporting, or some mixture of coverage may best represent the event

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Each edition locates and displays articles in the following categories:

Read the whole edition HERE or click on your favorite section below:
Articles are sourced from a changing group of websites.  Today's sources include:, Saudi Gazette,, The Washington Post,,, the World,, The Boston Globe,,, The Australian,,
Selected articles do not fall into traditional categories of North Vs. South, Liberal Vs. Conservative or Friend Vs. Foe
Two stories (a NewsPair) are placed side by side, in each category, with their original Photo, Title and Content 
The reader is invited to read the NewsPair to sense how the news event was reported
Each NewsPair demonstrates small or significant variations in the reporting of the event
At the bottom of each story is a ‘Go To Source’ link back to the original site for more reading, or to satisfy the curiosity of the reader regarding the source or author of the article

Feel free to look at past NewsPairs by clicking on ‘Surf and Search’ at the top of each page

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It’s Time for Hillary Clinton to Concede the Democratic Nomination to Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders won a battle over the weekend. Hillary Clinton is still winning the war — by a lot.